Category Archives: children

Love, Cape Cod style

Oh how I loved spending some time with this beautiful family. The love was palpable. The joy was infectious. The…

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Cape Cod high school senior photos

I first photographed Emily when she was 3 months old. I hadn't owned the studio long at that point, though I'd…

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Family photos {Harding’s Beach}

I sit here on a rainy, blustery fall day having just booked my first Cape Cod family portrait for the summer of…

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Cape Cod family portraits

I love photographing families on Cape Cod. Especially when I've known the couple since the moment they became a family.…

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What to wear for your Cape Cod family portrait

It's a rainy day here on Cape Cod (we're getting all of the rain out of the way before summer arrives) :-) My daughter…

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Kids and their best (stuffed) friends

I got Bear Bear when I was 7 or 8, he was my sisters. She said I could have him if I did the dishes for her one night,…

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Sweet 16 – An open letter to my daughter

My dear Adriana, Sixteen years ago you arrived on this planet, and our lives have never been the same. Here are my…

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Cape Cod Children’s portraits

There's few things I love like the laughter of children. I am lucky in that I haven't lost my childlike sense of…

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Kodak Instamatic {& Pinterest love}

Sometimes it's all about Pinterest. I happen to love Pinterest. I love when my photos get repinned hundreds, sometimes…

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