I always love walking the trails, paths and beaches of Cape Cod. Every season has a magic all of it’s own. Fall is beautiful for still mild (you know, ish) days sometimes and the gorgeous colours that the grasses and plants mellow to before they lose most of it as the cold weather and snow sets in.
The dunes are just lovely this time of year, in a quiet way, a last little bright hurrah before they settle in to winter, and you can explore to your hearts delight, as the summer crowds have left along with the long summer evenings.
If you’re lucky, you meet an old-time Cape Codder as we did, he was walking at a much slower pace than we were, and joked, ‘didn’t we know the speed limit was 15mph?’, to make his joke even better, we passed by him literally right at a speed limit sign, so he was able to jerk his head towards it as he asked. I was delighted by him for hours, in fact, I’m smiling as I write this. An old salt. He was perfect. I told my husband I’m going to be just like that when I get old and slow. I am a fan of bad jokes.
This is the Marsh Trail at Sandy Neck, you can find more information about it here. It is truly spectacular, you could walk for hours and hours as you cross the dunes to the beach and back if you want (on the trails, of course!), or just wander for a bit and turn back when you’re ready. We walked about 5 or 6 miles this day, enjoying a spectacular late fall day on Cape Cod.
[…] Whilst on our autumn walk on the Marsh Trail at Sandy Neck, we ventured across the dunes (on trails of course) and found some fabulous mushrooms. I haven’t yet taken the time to look them up, so I’ll edit this once I do. If anyone wants to just tell me what they are, please feel free! 🙂 […]