Cape Cod high school senior photos

collage of senior girl in front of ocean

I first photographed Emily when she was 3 months old. I hadn’t owned the studio long at that point, though I’d already been here for 10 years. 🙂 I photographed her senior portraits this summer. 17 years, just like that. A blink of an eye. I haven’t photographed anyone, other than my own beautiful daughter, longer. So crazy. My studio has never not had an Emily portrait on it’s walls in all of those years.

It’s such a wonderful business that because of photographing her daughter all those years ago, and many times since, I am able to call her mom friend. And when I saw Emily working out at the Y the other day, the smiles and greetings we gave to each other were genuine, there was happiness in seeing each other. That is the most amazing gift of this journey I am on. I have clients, but I also have created friendships that have become part of my circle. I am beyond blessed.

Casual Cape Cod Family PortraitCasual Cape Cod Family Portrait

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