Family photos {Harding’s Beach}

Triptych top photo family with two preteen daughters, bottom images of the two sisters together in different poses, all at sunset on the beach

I sit here on a rainy, blustery fall day having just booked my first Cape Cod family portrait for the summer of 2020, ordering and working on photos for the holidays. It’s a fun part of my job, that as it’s chilly outside, my heart and brain are totally in a different place. Right now, I’m here, Hardings Beach. It was one of those beautiful still evenings, the light was perfect, the family was funny and a total delight. I get to share in moments of vacation, it’s such a hard thing to explain, but it’s like I’m a part of the vacation experience. How cool is that? I love hearing about how people see the Cape whether it’s their first visit, or they’ve summered here forever, or they live here. Everyone has things they love, and things that are important to them, and so many have special rituals summer after summer.

For me, my favorite part is the zen of the ocean. I get antsy when I’m away from the sea for too long, she is my calm in a crazy world. Everything disappears when I’m walking along the shore, and I am filled with peace. Of course, that’s when I’m walking or playing, when I’m photographing families I’m the crazy woman who sometimes puts random things on her head. Ha!!

What’s your favorite part of Cape Cod?

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