What makes you happy?

On my contact form I have a question that asks, what makes you happy? Some people ignore it. Most respond with the most fantastic answers. Bet their answers make you happy! They sure make me happy. Turns out happiness is so easy to share. xo

Here are some lovely responses of things that make my clients happy (the parenthesis responses are mine in case you can’t tell):

  • Cape Cod (of course is the top happiness getter, because, well, obviously!!! Being here, waking up here, visiting here, relaxing here, everything about here!!)
  • spending quality time with my family
  • the ocean
  • beer (this made me laugh out loud, but of course he works for a beer company and was looking for a head-shot for his business profile, so it’s a perfect response!!)
  • watching my lovely son run track #proudtrackmama (she read about how I love watching my daughter run track, so we instantly had something in common. Love her response!!!!)
  • discovering new things (oh my gosh, yes!!!!! yes!!!!!! became an all time favorite response right there on the spot!)
  • friends
  • good weather (I’ll second this one!!! Especially around, say, sunset every night of summer!!!)
  • life
  • having Sarah as a friend xx (awwww my bestie. I love her so much.)
  • living in the moment
  • hot tea
  • painting
  • my grandkids and kids
  • my job
  • sitting by the water at sunset with my family, drinking a cocktail (or two) after we’ve just had a big grilled dinner and everyone is smiling and sunkist (love this so much!!!!)
  • the sea, family time, music, reading, animals and eating and drinking
  • a long walk on the beach
  • my dogs (sigh, yes!)
  • our baby, the beach, cookies & pie (lol)
  • looking at the beautiful photos you took of my family
  • you (my first ever response. From my husband. Love him so much too!!! xo)

So what makes you happy?

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