Diamond Beach, Iceland

We saw a photo of a beautiful girl in a bikini sitting on a huge piece of ice in the water, and decided we wanted a photo like that. Maybe without the bikini, but it was definitely on our trip bucket list. Me being the photographer, my daughter being the model. I was never even slightly considering a bathing suit, never mind a bikini. So we found out where Diamond Beach was and added it to our itinerary. It’s on the south east coast of Iceland, and is truly spectacular. Like, well, pretty much all of Iceland.

It was cold and drizzly when we got there, and the ice chunks were all pretty small, comparatively, there’d be no bikini wearing and no ice sitting, and how crazy was that model, any way? After discussing how she could have possibly managed to look good, we totally nixed that entire plan and set about enjoying the beach. The drizzle subsided and the sun tried to make an appearance, and although it was still kind of cool, it turned into a beautiful summer day to enjoy some big hunks of ice washed up on to the black, volcanic sand. Whilst wearing sweaters, and jackets, and I think maybe a hat.

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