Pie Day.

collage of women making pies

Everything I write is personal. But this one is really personal. I have a group of  friends who try to get together once a year for an overnight, we do pretty well. Most years we’re all able to be there, sometimes it’s not an overnight, sometimes we can’t all make it… You know how that goes, but we do the best we can. One thing that’s always certain, besides the love and sense of almost family when we’re together is the laughter. We laugh so much. And then we laugh about things that made us laugh years ago, and we laugh some more. It’s the best. I love to laugh, don’t we all?

7 years ago we were all going to Carol’s. It was her birthday. She wanted to have a pie party. And so we did. We partnered up and made pie. Lot’s and lot’s of pie. Yummy, delicious, mouthwatering pie. Michelle and I (neither of us very good in the kitchen I’ve got to add) made a Key Lime Pie. Oooooo weeeeeeee was it good. And pretty if I do say so. There was an apple and  a banana cream and an ice cream concoction, and of course with the leftover pastry we had to make jam tarts, because that’s what you do with leftover pastry. We had pie for lunch, pie for dinner, pie for snack and pie for breakfast. Not something I’d recommend doing too often! We did go for long walks in between, of course laughter burns off calories, and there was a bit of chicken somewhere along the way, but mostly it was all about the pie that weekend. (And a tiny bit about the fabulous aprons, because what’s pie without an apron?) We call it ‘pa-ie’, you can too if you want. We still talk and laugh about the pie weekend. Obviously. It was totally remember-worthy. We’ve called our group different things over the years, ‘pie chicks’ being one of them.

We lost our dear friend Michelle this year. Breast cancer won. But on Pi Day, I’ll be thinking about her, and our pie, and how much fun we had that day and many other days. I’ll also be thinking about the rest of the pie chicks, it’s nearly time for our annual visit and being with them always reminds me that you should fill your life with pie and laughter and great friends as often as you can.

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  • Di

    Thank you for sharing, Sarah! Such fond memories these images create again and again. Hugs, DiReplyCancel

  • I am what I ate, and the pie pouch in my stomach is long empty. Time for a refill! And thanks so much Sarah for bring this day back to the present!ReplyCancel

    • Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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